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Most Popular Banned Commercials of All Time

New GAP is Coming - Pardon Our Dust

GAP tested this commercial made by Spike Jonze, but never released it nationally.

Cancelled Dodge Commercial

Two guys in a bathroom talking about a Dodge SUV. An eavesdropper misunderstands and thinks the two guys are gay.

Godaddy Proceedings

Go Daddy commercial for the superbowl that didn't make the cut. "Secure her! She's having a wardrobe malfunction"

Commercial Office XP

A guy is making out with a chick, but he can't unlock the bra because he is prompted for a password. "The unexpected experience"

Priceless Visa Commercial

if only they were better actors. this could be good

Trunk Monkey

Monkey beats agressive guy with a golf club. Two people crash. The agressive driver attacks the calm driver. The calm one doesn't know what to do...

Rejected Godaddy Commercial

Things get steamy in "Kissing Booth" when the Go Daddy girl and a dignified gentleman spend a little too much time face-to-face.

Ten Most Popular Banned Commercials of All Time

I’m all for protecting the kids from seeing things they really shouldn’t be seeing, so I understand and agree with certain things not being shown on public television. But I also recognize that sometimes NOT getting shown on TV can actually be a huge benefit!

First of all, when marketers are free from the normal constraints of advertising sometimes they can come up with really “attractive” ads. And the ten banned commercials below are great examples of advertisements which obviously received excellent Return On Investment based on the sheer number of online views each one received. Indeed, these are the most popular of all banned commercials.

I don’t know about you, but I’d be happy to have one of my ads viewed as many times as the worst performing on this list…

10) The 7-Up Bottle

There is another video that should be in 10th place, but it’s so bad I can’t even put it on my blog. So this one gets it with 5.1 million all time views!

9) Photograph

7.5 million views for this one. Is it because the hot chick is in nothing but a bra?

8) The Durex Commercial

Nice! For 100 Million reasons… 7.7 million views

7) Bill Clinton Voodoo Doll

Wow! This one is just kind of in bad taste if you ask me. 7.3 millions views.

6.) Banned Super Bowl 2007 Bud commercial

A Guy and Girl skinny dipping in a pool. What could go wrong? 10.1 million views!

5.) The Gay Adam and Eve

Hmmm. Nearly 12 million views, and I think this one sucked.

4.) The Axe Shower Gel Commercial

Easy to see why this one got banned… Still 13 million views!

3.) Levis and the Blind

This Levis commercial was banned in the UK. Hard to believe. But almost 12 million views!

2) Four in One!

Ok. This is kind of cheating. It’s 4 commercials. But it’s been viewed 13 million times!

1) Use Condoms!

Over 20 million views. Wow. That is some awesome ROI on a banned commercial.

Well, that’s it! You got any other good ones?
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