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Top 100 Hottest Women of 2010

We here at Skyle love all the top 100 lists that come out this time of year. FHM, Maxim, AskMen, we read them all. But while we enjoy these lists, we still have always thought they were flawed. They still include dinosaurs like Cindy Crawford, Pam Anderson, Jenny McCarthy on the list, year after year, way past any point where they were still relevant, and they don’t spend enough time unearthing hotties nobody’s ever heard of. To them Tila Tequila qualifies as an edgy, internet friendly choice.

So with that in mind, we figured we’d give it a shot ourselves. Our goal with making this list was to avoid the cliche as much as possible, while still picking out the hottest women in the world. While you’ll still see lots of familiar names (that’s inevitable with a list this size) you’ll also hopefully find a few dozen women you’ve never heard of who might become favorites.

Now we hope you enjoy, as we get 2010 kicked off right, the Skyle's Top 100 Hottest Women of 2010.

100. Kate Winslet

99. Jennifer Connelly

98. Alicia Keys

97. Kat Dennings

96. Olivia Munn

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