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Carmelo and La La Party It Up with Kim and Ciara

Gearing up for their weekend nuptials, La La Vasquez and Carmelo Anthony held a swanky yacht party in New York City on Friday night (July 9).

The NBA star and his oh-so-sexy disc jockey bride-to-be were all smiles as they cruised the waters of NY Harbor alongside Kim Kardashian, Brittny Gastineau, Ciara and a few other friends.

Tweeting her joy over the occasion, La La wrote, "I LOVE my FAMILY I LOVE MY FRIENDS!! Wow I'm SOOO grateful to GOD 4 blessing me..seriously. What a fuuuuun night! All the girls were hillarious tonight!...laughing and dancing non stop!"

Seemingly having quite a fun night, party guest Kim Kardashian chimed in, "Ballin' on the yacht w La,Mel,Britt,Ciara,Fab,Clue,Amare,KMart. I'm getting a personal dance lesson from @Ciara to the song ride!!!!!!"

Finally drawing an end to the night, Carmelo and La La are set to tie the knot in a ceremony being held later today (July 10).

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