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Despicable Me, Eclipse Lead Strong Box Office Weekend

Music to the ears of Tinseltown producers, it’ seems as if it's going to be another big weekend at the box office.

According to box office reports, early estimates are predicting that the 3D flick “Despicable Me” will bring in $55-$60 million, after it made $22 million on its first night.

Coming as no surprise, “Eclipse” is still on the board, raking in $11 million last night (July 9), putting its estimated total at $35 million at the end of its second weekend.

With that said, “Eclipse” has brought in roughly $238 million in North America since its opening on June 30.

Most likely falling in the number three spot for the weekend will be “Predators” with an estimated $30 million, while “Toy Story 3” is predicted to bring in about $21 million.

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