Elizabeth Banks is better than this. A lot better than this. Variety says she’s set to star in a live-action rom-com called Tink in which she’ll play Tink. Yeah, that Tink. Peter Pan’s Tink.
Exactly what it’s about remains to be seen, all we know is that it “plays on the mischievious nature of the Tinkerbell character.” That could mean almost anything from Tink playing some sort of cupid to her actually growing herself bigger and trying to woo human males in the real world. Neither option sounds particularly appealing.
Let me make it even less appealing. McG is behind it. McG who only makes terrible movies. That McG. No word on if he’s actually directing it, but he along with Adam Shankman and Jennifer Gibgot are being blamed for it.
Banks did have a hand in developing the project, and since she’s brilliant, that’s a good sign. If not for McG’s involvement I might have some hope that this could be a sort of riff on the very fun Enchanted formula, except of course Enchanted already did that and do we really need to see that same story again? Adding fairy wings to the fish out of water princess doesn’t really make it new again. Mostly though, I’m afraid this will turn into Tooth Fairy, and I don’t think I’ll make it if I have to sit through that again.