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Kendra Wilkinson Says "Get That Heart Rate Up"

She almost always has a smile on her face, and Kendra Wilkinson was spotted with an ear-to-ear grin as she arrived at E! News studios in Los Angeles, California in Friday (July 9).

Clad in white shoes, jeans shorts and a ruffled blue and white top, the former “Girls Next Door” babe was escorted inside the building past the excited shutterbugs.

During her sit-down with E! anchor Catt Sadler, Mrs Hank Baskett - who has a new workout video - revealed her secret to a happy life.

She told, “Get that heart rate up, and that’s the No. 1 key to a happy life, really feeling good about yourself and feeling sexy.”

And, when asked to reveal who her celebrity crush is, Kendra exclaimed, “Halle Berry!”

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