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Long lost sex tape with Eva Longoria and Perry Hilton.

A sex tape featuring spicy ‘DH’ Latina, Eva Longoria, is on it’s way to the World Wide Web, according to Internet moles. Celebrity informants in possession of Eva’s steamy sex set with hubby Tony Parker are prepared to leak the tape after ‘verifying legal issues associated with it’ (sic). The Eva Longoria Sex Tape is currently available on pay per view adult film websites.

Eva Longoria: Perry, are you sure we should be doing this? I mean, what if it gets out? It could be really embarrassing.

Perry Hilton: Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna put it someplace safe, like the glove box of my car. You need a key to get in there.

There is a moment of static and then the shot cuts to Perry Hilton and Eva Longoria having a pillow fight and laughing. The shot cuts to Perry Hilton on the phone.

Perry Hilton: Hello, Hotel? This is Perry Hilton. Listen, if you hear yelling coming from my room, don’t worry. It’s the good kind.

The shot cuts to Perry Hilton and Eva Longoria pillow fighting again and yelling randomly. The shot then cuts to Perry Hilton and Eva Longoria sitting in bed eating.

Perry Hilton: I love turkey.

The shot cuts to Perry Hilton sitting on the bed while Eva Longoria jumps up and down.

Perry Hilton: Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce. Bounce.

The shot cuts to Perry Hilton and Eva Longoria sitting on the bed. Eva Longoria gets right up near the camera lens.

Eva Longoria: I look good in night vision.

Perry Hilton: You do look good in night vision.

The shot cuts to Perry Hilton giving Eva Longoria an Airplane ride with her suspended in air supported by his legs.

Perry Hilton: Be free! Arms out! You’re flying!

The shot cuts to Eva Longoria and Perry Hilton sitting in bed.

Eva Longoria: Alright, are you sure no one’s ever going to see this? Cause, one day I might want to marry a really cute basketball player or something like that.

There is a moment of static. The shot cuts to Eva Longoria sitting on Perry Hilton’s back, reading a magazine, while he does pushups on the bed.

Perry Hilton (at the top of a pushup): One hundred and eleven.

The shot cuts to Eva Longoria and Perry Hilton sitting in bed.

Perry Hilton: You’re a basketball player.

Eva Longoria (pokes Perry Hilton’s arm): No, you’re a basketball player.

Perry Hilton: No, you’re a basketball player.

Perry Hilton pushes Eva Longoria and she almost falls off the bed.

Perry Hilton: Eva Longoria?

There is a moment of static and then the shot cuts to Perry Hilton adjusting the camera while Eva Longoria climbs under the blankets.

Eva Longoria: I’m going back to bed. I have an audition tomorrow for something called Desperate Housewives.

Perry Hilton: That sounds like crap!

Eva Longoria and Perry Hilton both adjust themselves under the covers. Perry Hilton springs back up and speaks to the camera.

Perry Hilton: Life’s tasty.

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