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Milla Jovovich Shows Off Musketeers Costume Through Twitter

Milla Jovovich has taken to her Twitter account to give us our first look at costume designs for Paul W.S. Anderson's The Three Musketeers (not to be confused with the one currently being produced by Doug Liman). In the film, Jovovich will be playing Milady de Winter, a spy working for the evil Cardinal Richelieu and one of the chief protagonists in the film.

While I am certainly no fashion expert, I can occasionally recognize a nice dress, and this certainly qualifies. If I were of a different sex, I would use this portion of the article to talk about the fabric and pretty frills, but I have no extensive surgery scheduled in the next few minutes. Certainly feel free to let me know what you think in the comments section, however. To see the images full size, head on over to Milla's Twitter.

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