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Pamela Anderson's Belated Birthday Bash

Ringing in her 43rd birthday in style, Pamela Anderson was the guest of honor at Fluxx nightclub in San Diego, California on Friday (July 9).

The former “Baywatch” bombshell looked hot in a white silky romper as she mingled all night with friends and fans, and was handed a giant birthday cake compliments of the popular nightclub.

Although Anderson’s actual birthday was back on July 1st, the actress was also celebrating her new TV series schedule to film in August, which is set in a Beverly Hills Private Investigator’s Office.

In other news, fellow Playmate Kendra Wilkinson recently revealed that Pam was behind her inspiration to get a breast enhancement. Kendra told press, “Pamela Anderson was on the radio talking about saving animals or something, and all I could think about were her boobs... I thought, I’d do even better if I were bigger... and I felt like they would make my look and feel even sexier.”

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