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Forehead Tittaes w/ Marion Cotillard

Oscar winner Marion Cotillard introduces a new product to help women be taken more seriously in the workplace.

Marion Cotillard (voiceover): In America, anything is possible.

The shot cuts to Marion Cotillard talking with Seth Morris.

Marion Cotillard (voiceover): It is the land of opportunity.

The shot cuts to closeup of Marion Cotillard smiling for the camera.

Marion Cotillard (voiceover): A place where dreams come true.

The shot cuts to Marion Cotillard walking down a hallway. A man passing by looks at her chest. She looks down at her own chest. The shot cuts to her standing with Seth Morris, looking down at her her own chest again. She looks up at Seth Morris who looks up from her chest. The shot cuts to Marion Cotillard in a meeting with William Fichtner, who is gesturing in a manner that indicates he is fixated on her breasts.

Marion Cotillard (voiceover): But women in America must still deal with sexual objectification wherever they go, especially in the workplace.

Marion Cotillard points to her face and can be seen mouthing the words – Look at my eyes. The shot cuts to a closeup of Marion Cotillard.

Marion Cotillard: French women have known for centuries. To make a man respect you, you must make him look you in the eyes.

The shot cuts to a pair of small, artificial breasts.

Marion Cotillard (voiceover): Introducing Forehead Tittaes, by Janae. France's best kept secret.

The text Forehead Tittaes By Janae appear beneath the artificial breasts. The shot cuts to Marion Cotillard who has the small, artificial breasts attached to her forehead, above her eyes. She puts a finger to her lips.

Marion Cotillard: Shhhh.

The shot cuts to Marion Cotillard walking down a hallway and passing a man who had stared at her chest previously. His stare is fixed on her head.

Marion Cotillard (voiceover): Lab tests prove that Forehead Tittaes actually redirect the male gaze from the chest to the general area of the brain.

The shot cuts to Marion Cotillard Standing with Seth Miller, who is also looking at her head, rather than her chest. The shot cuts to a closeup of Marion Cotillard and then to her in the office with William Fichtner. William Fichtner is gesturing in a manner that shows he is not fixated on her Forehead Tittaes, rather than her real breasts.

Marion Cotillard (voiceover): Forehead Tittaes' sleek, elegant design earns their respect without sacrificing your femininity.

The shot cuts to Marion Cotillard in a bathroom, attaching the Forehead Tittaes to her forehead.

Marion Cotillard (voiceover): Forehead Tittaes are safe, reusable and easily applied.

The shot cuts to Taraji P. Henson moving through hanging fabric. She is wearing a pair of Forehead Tittaes.

Taraji P. Henson: There's a Forehead Tittae for everyone.

Leslie Ann Warren moves into the shot and stands next to Taraji P. Henson. Leslie Ann Warren is also wearing a pair of Forehead Tittaes.

Leslie Ann Warren: Because respect never goes out of style.

The shot crossfades to Taraji P. Henson, Leslie Ann Warren and Marion Cotillard standing together.

Marion Cotillard: Forehead Tittaes, by Janae.

The shot cuts to several pairs of Forehead Tittaes. Marion Cotillard's face appears in the upper, right hand corner. The text – Forehead Tittaes by Janae appears beneath Marion Cotillard and the Forehead Tittaes.

Marion Cotillard: Make them almost look you in the eyes.

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