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MIT finds the pefect computer mouse: your hand

I did a report the other day about how some MIT students made an interesting projector/computer out of their desklamp called the LuminAR, and it just shows how much MIT creates some of the stuff that I would like to have.

It would appear that the Pranav Mistry at the MIT Media Lab has created something even cooler than the desktop laptop with the “invisible mouse”.

It uses “an infrared laser beam and infrared camera to capture hand movements and accurately translate them into computer commands”.

My source doesn’t say how the user does these invisible mouse commands. I just assume that the user moves his hand around the side of the desk within a certain area to move the cursor on their computer. I’m also going to guess that mouse clicks are done by moving a finger, and then dragging by keeping that finger down.

Mistry is not planning on mass-producing and selling this product, but he really ought to, because I could use something like it. He does say that someone could build this device for a low price of just $20. I guess I’m going to figure out if can get an IR camera and IR laser for that combination price. Now all I need is some easy-to-read instructions.
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