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Sherlock 2 Gets Start Date (August)

The man who once seemed to be in everything, Jude Law, has recently become the man you haven’t seen in all that much. After last year’s Sherlock Holmes, the London-born actor has been resting up for what he tells Empire will be a very busy second half of 2010.

The most interesting news from his chat with the English magazine is that Sherlock Holmes 2 is just about ready to start shooting as Guy Ritchie and his writers tear through their last draft of the script. Principal photography is now set to start in October, a couple months ahead of their December schedule. Of course this is no surprise, since Robert Downey Jr. walked away from Cowboys and Aliens to put Holmes 2 on the fast track.

Law will also be appearing in Martin Scorsese’s latest effort, an adaptation of the children’s novel Hugo Cabret, Scorsese’s first foray into film’s for children. Law says:

“I don't want to give too much away, but I play Hugo Cabret's father.”

Wrapping it all up with Stephen Soderbergh’s film Contagion will make for an interesting a very busy year for Jude Law. Fortunately for us he’s a pretty great actor and always brings his A-game to the screen, so with these movies expect to see him elevate himself to a new level next year.

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