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Watch The Last Airbender Movie (Full Stream)

Suspense auteur M. Night Shyamalan takes a break from crafting original screenplays to tell this tale of a 12-year-old boy (Noah Ringer) who provides the last hope for restoring harmony to a land consumed by chaos. In a world balanced on the four nations of Water, Earth, Fire, and Air, people known as the Waterbenders, Earthbenders, Firebenders, and Airbenders have mastered their native elements. Though the masters can each manipulate their native elements, the only one with the power to manipulate all four elements is a young boy known as the Avatar. When the Avatar subsequently appears to die while still mastering his powers, the Fire nation launches a global war with the ultimate goal of global domination. One hundred years later, two teens discover that the Avatar and his flying bison have in fact been locked in suspended animation. Upon being freed from his prison, the Avatar embarks on an arduous quest to restore harmony among the four war-ravaged nations.

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Director Credit
M. Night Shyamalan Director
Cast Credit
Noah Ringer Aang
Nicola Peltz Katara
Jackson Rathbone Sokka
Jessica Jade Andres Suki
Dev Patel Zuko
Aasif Mandvi Commander Zhao
Shaun Toub Uncle Iroh
Cliff Curtis Fire Lord Ozai
Producers Credit
M. Night Shyamalan Producer
Sam Mercer Producer
Frank Marshall Producer
Jose L. Rodriguez Co-Producer
Bryan Konietzko Executive Producer
Michael Dante DiMartino Executive Producer
Scott Aversano Executive Producer
Kathleen Kennedy Executive Producer
Production Companies Credit
Paramount Pictures Paramount Pictures
Writer Credit
M. Night Shyamalan Screenwriter
Music Credit
James Newton Howard Composer (Music Score)
Visual Effects Credit
Industrial Light & Magic Animator
Industrial Light & Magic Visual Effects

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